7 Deadly Sins of Makeup
I wanted to share with you all, my 7 deadly Sins of Makeup.
There are things here that I have done and have been guilty of and that I see quite often in others!
so lets spill the beans and get sharing those 7 deadly sins...
1. LUST -
The need for the constant purchase of makeup products, the more expensive the better... right? Nope, not always. I used to be very guilty of doing this and would only spend my hard earned cash on the 'high' end brands. To tell you the truth, most of what you're paying for is usually the packaging and cost of advertising.. Yes, they do spend money on research and patented scientific breakthroughs but a lot of the cash goes on high end models and celebrity endorsements. They spend our millions on making more millions and its a very profitable circle. I've learnt, It's always sensible to try an find a cheaper alternative and there is most likely another brand without all the frills who won't have you breaking the bank.

Who hasn't done this at least once in their life! Wearing wayyyyy too much makeup where at the end of the night you need a shovel and trough to get it all off.
The key to a good look is to focus on the eyes or on the lips and not to do both. Remember, you really don't need that dark lipliner around the outside of your lips to make your lips look bigger than they are or those spidery lashes. All you're doing is scaring the pants off your next door neighbours and wasting good quality products.
Focus on your best facial feature. Be it the lips, cheekbones, eyes or your silky smooth skin and work on making that your focal point. Lets keep it looking clean, polished and add a little twist for your very own va va voom!
3. GREED -
Now this is a sly one. We all feel a tad greedy when it comes to makeup. It never harmed me not to share a tip with a friend. If you know of a great deal on a lipstick or a mascara, share it! Don't hog it all. Don't forget that nifty trick that you picked up from your makeup class. If you thought it was great then it's most likely we will too!
Also it's nice to share a trick or a treat when it comes to makeup. Maybe you've recently come across a dupe for a very expensive foundation, do the right thing and let us in on the secret.
Everyone likes to save a pretty penny now and again.
4. SLOTH -
How many people actually like a sloth? Lazy, slow and not the cleanest animal by far.. but what on earth do we have in common with these creatures?
Well, Sloth to me is anyone who is too lazy to remove their makeup or who is not even bothered to get a wipe and take off the whole days worth of makeup/dust/pollution etc.
Why not give yourself and your skin the respect it deserves. Go and get yourself off the sofa or out of the bed, grab the cleanser/wipe and take it all off.
Your skin will definitely thank you for it and it won't take you long to see a huge difference to the overall look of your skin; and yes, you can thank me later.

This was a difficult sin to do but the closest that I could come to this was 'WAR STRIPES'. What I mean by that is that since I started doing makeup professionally I started noticing people looking like they have been in fights or wearing war paint. The most obvious reason for this is that people are forgetting to bleeennnddd their makeup! Be it eyeshadow, bronzer, highlighter for all the popular 'highlight & contour' or even brows! We definitely don't want to look like we are wearing war stripes, or are part of the American Football team. Girls! get your act together and make sure you take away those harsh lines and blend, blend, and blend again. Nothing pretty about a soldier with mud stripes!

We all suffer this curse! We may envy the girl in the magazine or the actress/singer on the telly with the amazing flawless skin. But hold up girlies! Are they for real? of course not! They have had the works done from professional makeup artists, to stylists choosing their outfits, special lights botox and remember the all powerful 'PHOTOSHOP' They are not real.
We all have to love ourselves for who we are. Yes, we may have a few pounds that we need to lose or have that strange bump on our nose or those boring brown eyes and maybe even not the most perfectly full lips; but that is what make you 'you'.
You are completely unique unless you have an identical twin and even then you have your very own personality. We all do things differently. The most boring brown eyes can become meltingly chocolate brown eyes with the right eye makeup! That bump on the nose is your very own quirk which defines your face next to someone else's and those extra pounds are just perfect with the right outfit.. nothing wrong with curves my dear we can't all be size 6 and who ever said that was perfection has not met my mate with the perfect set of b**bs.
Now I've met many who have crossed the line between pride and arrogance and believe me the line is very, very thin. It's a wonderful thing to take pride in your appearance and your work, but to become arrogant that you look down on others because you have mastered the art of makeup application is another thing.
Now I'm sure many of us have run scared from the beauty counter lady who with just one haughty look made you feel like a 5 year old wearing your mommas makeup.
I have met many who instead of helping me choose the right product, made me want to leave crying because I was told I would have to buy 10 products to make me look half as good as her!
Makeup is a very personal thing and what may work for me, may not work for you and even if it does, you may not be comfortable wearing that particular lipstick or having a cat eye flick.
It's all about making sure that you are comfortable in yourself no matter what the trend is or what look is 'in'.
It's nice to change things around once in a while but if something works for you then it just 'works' and you really don't have to do something which you are not comfortable doing.
We all need to remember to take pride in being ourselves and be HAPPY in our own skin, not having others dictate what and who we are; but we must also remember that self love is a beautiful thing up until the point it becomes arrogance - and there's nothing more unattractive about a beautiful face with a ugly personality...
Well, I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you qualify as your 7 deadly sins in makeup? would love to know!
Bonsoir my lovelies, until next time.
Easmin x
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