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Showing posts from March 24, 2013

Nivea's Winter Skin Rescue!!

Nivea Rich Nourishing Body Lotion Review. Nivea Rich Nourishing Body Lotion £3.50 400ml     W ith the weather being so cold and miserable its no wonder that we are suffering from dry skin conditions and it c an be twice as bad if you have any particular skin condition in colder weather specially with the central heating turned up wayyy hi gh! Most of you probably have a particular body moisturiser that you love to use and its something that most people don't really think twice about but for me it 's been a different story until now , all that has changed th ank's to t h is Body Lotion.   I love this Nivea Nourishing Body Lotion and was recently introduced to it via the 'In Style Mini Magazine Best Beauty Buys 2013 giude'   which I picked up in John Lewis.  All the products within it are voted by 182 industry experts in Beauty and to my surprise ...

Kohl Yourself Beautiful?

' Chanel classic Parisian tailoring combined with Eastern opulence.  heavily kohl rimmed eyes and highlights of glistening gold.' - Easy Li ving Arabian Night's, Princess Jasmine, Cleopatra , Beyonce to Kim Kardashian all have favoured the kohl to add a touch of the exotic, mystery & seduction...  Being from South Asian Heritage I have always worn kohl or as I knew it kajal /eyeliner It is one piece of m ake-up you will always find on me and its pro bably what I would say is my desert island must have ! It's what make's my tired eye's look alive when I've had a bad night a nd no lo ok is complete without a quick roll of it around the top of my eye's to make it pop! it does the job of a mascara when used around and under the upper lid too.. We all know now that most people will have some form of the kohl in their make-up bag. It comes in so many forms from powder, pencil to liquid but its not a new phenomenon!  The m...