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Kohl Yourself Beautiful?

'Chanel classic Parisian tailoring combined with Eastern opulence.  heavily kohl rimmed eyes and highlights of glistening gold.' - Easy Living

Arabian Night's, Princess Jasmine, Cleopatra, Beyonce to Kim Kardashian all have favoured the kohl to add a touch of the exotic, mystery & seduction... 

Being from South Asian Heritage I have always worn kohl or as I knew it kajal/eyeliner
It is one piece of make-up you will always find on me and its probably what I would say is my desert island must have!

It's what make's my tired eye's look alive when I've had a bad night and no look is complete without a quick roll of it around the top of my eye's to make it pop! it does the job of a mascara when used around and under the upper lid too..

We all know now that most people will have some form of the kohl in their make-up bag. It comes in so many forms from powder, pencil to liquid but its not a new phenomenon! 

The modern day Kohl is a distant friend of the original form known Kohl/Kejal/Sirma/Surma or many other names depending on which part of the world you are from. 
From Ancient Egypt, North Africa, Middle East and South Asia the kohl was primarily used to ward off 'evil eye' from women, children, cleanse the eye and even worn by men to used to protect the eye from the glare of the desert sun. 


Guerlain Terracotta Loose Powder Khol £23.50 at House Of Fraser

Benefit BAD gal liner £14.00 WATERPROOF Benefit A Little Bit BAD gal lash mascara£16.50

Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama gel Liner £7.99

The use of kohl has very much shifted from superstitious/health to the cosmetics in our modern day and age and has been used for generation's in the Indian Subcontinent to beautify the bride's eye's on her wedding day and worn on a daily basis by women from the small village's of Africa & India to Maharani's (Indian Princess's) as replicated by Chanel on the Paris catwalk in 2011.
Cleopatra who was the original diva wore kohl in Ancient Egypt to enhance her beauty as it is also worn by the diva's of our generation from Beyonce to Kim Kardashian.
Deena Make-Up artist doing what she does best.. 

No South Asian bridal look would be complete without a dark ring of kohl around her eye's
With so much going on around her with all the heavily embellished bridal clothes and the jewellery its important to make the eye's to stand out so it doesn't get lost and in my opinion it completes the look perfectly!
Deena Make-Up Artist 
I'm in love with my kohl and am fascinated by the history and all the romance & mystery that's associated with it...
What do you guys think? is kohl an important part of your daily beauty ritual or is it something that you've never used before? Would love to know what you guys think?

Here's to kohl-ing ourselves beautiful!
Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin :)
Chanel: Easy Living. Bombay Express Limited edition Chanel
Kim Kardashian: indian beauty central
Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra: Chronically Vintage


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    1. Thank you Betty for the follow! and for visiting my humble little blog. I really do appreciate it!:)
      Easmin xoxo


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